Church of the Holy Rood

Church of the Holy Rood

Scottish Episcopal Church, Carnoustie

"Bringing People and God Together"


Safeguarding is about preventing harm, abuse or neglect to children and vulnerable adults wherever possible. The witness of Scripture recognises and affirms God’s love for all members of the human family and the priority given in Jesus’ ministry to children and the vulnerable of society. His ministry was one of welcome for all.

All of us can be vulnerable at times, therefore we make every effort to ensure that the church is an environment which is welcoming and safe for all by taking safeguarding seriously. As a charity we follow the guidance set out by OSCR on safeguarding, along with the policies set out within the Scottish Episcopal Church framework.

There is a local Safeguarding policy, which can be viewed on request, and a safeguarding officer. Please contact us if you have a concern or contact the Diocesan Protection of Vulnerable Groups Officer.